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  1. Should Language Teachers Focus on Fluency or on Accuracy? In this article we will explore the complex battle between fluency and accuracy in foreign language pedagogy. Both are foundational pillars within language learning, each bearing its own merits, ...

  2. Many families in the world and the United States are headed by adults with proficiency in more than one language. In the U.S. 26% of 5 to 17-year-old children are multilingual, although rates differ by state. (socialsci.libretexts.org) Families are often i...

  3. Anyone involved in the educational space knows that teaching is challenging, regardless of the students’ age levels. It is for this reason, among others, that many educators work towards their PhD such that they might one day teach adults and thus no longe...

  4. As a profession that has historically struggled to receive the respect it deserves, teaching has gained significant attention since 2020. Between a nationwide teacher shortage and buzzwords like “teacher burnout” entering our daily lexicon, people are beco...

  5. “Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.” - Benjamin Lee Whorf Providing young children with the opportunity to learn multiple languages is a common practice among families and in schools. According to the Migration Po...

  6. I am José Martínez, a supervisor at LLN. I have been teaching Spanish in New Jersey schools for over twenty years. I am also a native speaker who studied the Spanish language in my original country Cuba with the purpose to become an editor and literary cri...

  7. Online synchronous learning, defined as educational programs that take place in real time over the internet, has become increasingly popular in preK-12 education in recent years. While this format of learning has faced its fair share of challenges and crit...

  8. Funding, or the lack thereof, is a problem that schools across the nation face. It is often the reason for cutting valuable programs, losing talented teaching, and diluting what it is that schools are able to offer to their communities. Fortunately, there ...

  9. On March 31st, 2020, we gathered with more than 100 world language educators to discuss and explore the ways in which we can reach our early childhood and elementary students during this time of distance learning. For many, this has been both worrisome and...

  10. As educators, we strive to be flexible in order to meet the changing needs and interests of our students. However, no one anticipated that we would face COVID-19 and be truly challenged like never before. In some areas, it happened (literally) overnight: t...